Help Fund Kylie to Study Ethnomedicine and Foreign Beliefs!

Kylie Partridge Start Date: Jul 19, 2017 - End Date: Nov 18, 2017

My Travel Story

by: Kylie Partridge Start Date: Jul 19, 2017 - End Date: Nov 18, 2017
I am going into my senior year of undergraduate research at Baylor University, majoring in general Anthropology with a minor in Forensic Science. I plan to continue on with this career path after I graduate in the spring and plan to finish off with a Ph.D. in Biological Anthropology and a Master's in Cultural. I have been blessed enough to be able to attend the university that I am currently at through the assistance of scholarships and student loans, or I would never have been able to afford the attendance costs to begin with

This being my last year in undergrad, when I came across this amazing oppurtunity through my school's Anthro Society club online forum, I knew that I would have to try my hardest to be able to attend. I have previously done archaeological work at at an Etruscan necropolis in central Italy, and was fascinated by what we as the excavation team were able to learn about the people of the past simply by what remains. From this experience onward, I realized that I did not only want to study culture from the material remains of those long dead, but also the beliefs and practices that make current peoples (primarily those of indigenous cultures) so fascinating and diverse.

The knowledge I could gain from this course regarding holistic approaches to medicine as well as traditional beliefs would be invaluable, as the cultures who practice such are quickly fading, but were once prevalant across the globe. The unique health traditions that will be studied may further help to uncover similar practices used by cultures that have long since died out, making this dually interesting to someone who is also interested in archaeological work (such as myself).

Please help me to afford this incredible oppurtunity, as chances such as this one become much more difficult to attend post-graduation.