Learning Under the Sea in Bali!

Brianna Hill Start Date: Mar 3, 2024 - End Date: Sep 2, 2024
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Bali, Indonesia

My Travel Story

by: Brianna Hill Start Date: Mar 3, 2024 - End Date: Sep 2, 2024
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
Hi! My name is Brianna and to try to keep it short, I have always known I wanted to travel the world. Most of my life Ive barely even seen the outside of California. This trip would mean not only such an advance in my education, but it would also mean the beginning of so much more. Although I don't know what I want to do for a living quite yet, I know that I am extremely interested in Oceanography, Biology, Sustainability, and learning about other ways of life and culture. This trip to me isn't just a 2 month snorkeling vacation, it's learning about marine life and then seeing it hands on directly after. It's being immersed in place rich in culture and getting to learn about their beliefs and practices, and It's also meeting students interested in the same things I am and making lifelong connections with people. I want to see the world and learn as much as I can hands on, so hopefully in the future I can find a way to help others and help wildlife/marine life in some way I have not quite figured out yet. My hopes are that this study abroad program will be a big step in learning what that is. I encourage you to click the link and see what the program is all about!!
  • Bali, Indonesia