Engineering My Way Abroad

Amar Hajj-Ahmad Start Date: Oct 3, 2016 - End Date: Apr 2, 2017
  • Barcelona, Spain

My Travel Story

by: Amar Hajj-Ahmad Start Date: Oct 3, 2016 - End Date: Apr 2, 2017
If Engineering has taught me one thing, it's that we have the power to shape the future. If something doesn't look right now, we can change it, make it better. I am a junior studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. I started off undeclared in my major and was told that it was far too competitive to get accepted in the school of engineering. I was faced with many discouraging remarks; however I managed to transfer into the field with a GPA of 4.0. Now being admitted into the program, I want to take advantage of all it has to offer, and that includes studying abroad in Spain while interning at a local engineering company. I want to specialize in the field of emission control and sustainable energy, specifically doing into the field of research and development. I also hope to acquire my PhD in the years to come. Technology has come a long way and at some points, it requires adjustments and restraints. Efficiency is important, but so is out environment and health. I could have gone into environmental engineering; however, I saw the opportunity in making a more palpabale difference if I were to study in the more technical field and create more human and nature friendly devices. I will be studying engineering communications in Spain which will provide me with the appropriate skills in order to communicate research ideas and pitches. Learning this in Spain will allow me to further acquire an unconventional approach to the matter by exposing me to situations that I have not had prior experience with. I strive to have a well rounded personality as well as skill set; this opportunity will allow me to do so and this in turn will get me one step closer to contributing towards the overall wellbeing as living components of our environment. Our planet is a thing of beauty, therefore we must get the chance to experience it and curb the damage that we are inflicting upon it.
  • Barcelona, Spain