Volunteer Placement in Mental Health

Jessica Atkins Start Date: Mar 12, 2017 - End Date: Sep 11, 2017
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Jessica Atkins Start Date: Mar 12, 2017 - End Date: Sep 11, 2017
A little or a lot, it is going to help make a change to my life and to theirs. Since the tsunami in 2004, and the end of a 25 year civil war, many of the people of Sri Lanka have required more psychological support than what is provided. Many of those within the psychiatric facilities have little stimulation throught their day, and so as volunteers we will be working to reduce the stigma, and help support with what resources they do already have. We will also be involved in youth, children and special needs teaching projects. All in all, we hope to help support the people of Sri Lanka, enhance their way of life and support them.
Although this is voluntary work it does come at a cost, as I will be living in a homestay where I will be provided with food, water and a roof over my head, along with flights, visas, etc. And so I would be extremely grateful if you could help me make a difference to someone elses life who doesn't have the same opportunities as you and I. I am so honoured to have been given this opportunity, and I'm sure I will come back having feel they have made an impact on my life, more than I have of theirs.
Thank-you so much,
Jess xx
  • Sri Lanka