Small Business Owner Turned World Traveler

Aquila Fox Start Date: May 16, 2022 - End Date: May 15, 2023
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Portugal
  • Spain

My Travel Story

by: Aquila Fox Start Date: May 16, 2022 - End Date: May 15, 2023
Hi I'm Aquila, a small business owner turned world traveler currently staying in Greece. I started this trip as a way to heal and discover myself in a new way while seeing new parts of the world. After the first week of being in here, I decided not to put an end date on this adventure. But if I'm being honest becoming a digital nomad takes a bit more than I expected.

I started this campaign as a way to help with cost and fees for joining Trusted Housesitters, the Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, Nomador, Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate and a few other sites that will help with my travels as far as work and housing goes.

I've also started a blog on about my travels and would love your support there even if you can not donate here! For some reason I can not post the link to the website here.
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Portugal
  • Spain