Exciting educational voyage to Spain, France, and England!

Cole Somma Start Date: Oct 21, 2017 - End Date: Mar 29, 2018
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Paris, France
  • Barcelona, Spain

My Travel Story

by: Cole Somma Start Date: Oct 21, 2017 - End Date: Mar 29, 2018
Travelling the world is my biggest dream. When I was younger I had many atlases that on lazy afternoons I would flip through. I would look at the maps and the pictures of iconic landmarks and imagine what it would be like to travel to these far-off lands. It seemed like a dream and nothing more until two years ago. My school was holding a tour to Europe. I signed up and worked for my father for 2 years to pay off the bill of over $4,000. When the day finally came to go on the trip I was ecstatic. We went to London, Normandy, Paris, Belgium, and Berlin. That trip was the happiest and most eye-opening experience of my life. The impact it had on my educational career was immeasurable. Travelling abroad is the most educational experience a person can have. You learn so many things about the world and its true size. You learn about the diverse cultures and you learn that your own culture is not the only one out there. It makes you a much more tolerant, understanding, and open-minded person. When I came back from that trip 2 years ago I felt like there was so much I could do for my own community and country. After I came back I buckled down on school work and extracurriculars. I knew now that it is my time to make a difference in the world.  
It is now my senior year of high school. I'm working on applying to colleges right now while trying to maintain my AP course load and extracurriculars. Then I heard about another tour of Europe our school was doing the summer I graduate. I wanted an opportunity to travel the world one more time before I am held back by college, work, student debt, and relationships. Thank you for taking the time to hear my story and please consider contributing to fund my educational journey!
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Paris, France
  • Barcelona, Spain