Nina's trip to Costa Rica -- to get her minor!

Lanina Smith Start Date: Apr 6, 2018 - End Date: Jul 4, 2018
  • Costa Rica

My Travel Story

by: Lanina Smith Start Date: Apr 6, 2018 - End Date: Jul 4, 2018
I have been working on my minor of Spanish at Ohio University for a few years now and am finally on my way to graduating and completeing it! Studying and taking courses abroad will allow me to immerse myself into the culture and language in a way that taking them at OU just doesn't give me. I have funded some of my trip through federal aid but unfortunatley it still is going to take a bit more to really be able to take this journey. Help out if you can! Every dollar counts when it comes to education. 
  • Costa Rica


  • 17 Days To Go.

    I am only 3% of the way to my goal. I even lowered it. It looks like I may have to take out a different loan to get where I need to go but, to those who have donated, thank you. It means all the world to me. If you want to claim your post card you can!
  • Less Than One Month

    I sign up for my classes this week and there is less than one month away until I leave!