Marine Conservation in Madagascar

Amy Maclure Start Date: Oct 23, 2017 - End Date: Feb 22, 2018
  • Madagascar, Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon

My Travel Story

by: Amy Maclure Start Date: Oct 23, 2017 - End Date: Feb 22, 2018
 The project I am fundraising to do is a marine conservation volunteering trip to Madagascar. While I am there I will be helping out the local community and environment by doing a number of activities including:

Reef Surveying - monitoring the biodiversity, health and growth of the reef system surrounding Nosy Komba through fish, invertebrate and coral surveys using scuba equipment.
Turtle Monitoring - establishing an estimated inventory and census of Madagascan turtles. To determine the frequency and population strength of the varying species of turtle that visits the area.
Nudibranch Research - through surveys using scuba equipment I will be able to provide data to determine the species density and biodiversity of nudibranchs in the area as well as associated substrates.
Beach Cleans - to preserve marine animals that get caught in and/or eat marine litter as well as removing synthetic, damaging material from the ecosystem.
Community - educate the local community about environment issues, conservation and protection of biodiversity and marine resources such as food.
Reef Regeneration - through reef regeneration by coral propagation and litter removal volunteers can aim to increase the coral reef size and heath in the area, thus providing more habitat space for reef fish.
This is a once in a lifetime programme that I am so grateful for getting a place on.

This is going to hugely impact my life as it will help me gain proper knowledge, understanding and experience of serious world problems. I feel so strongly about the environment as it’s a never ending problem worldwide and every little bit of help is appreciated.    
  • Madagascar, Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon