Sri Lanka Mental Health Placement

Molly Adams Start Date: Oct 5, 2017 - End Date: Sep 16, 2018
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Molly Adams Start Date: Oct 5, 2017 - End Date: Sep 16, 2018
So, I'm fundraising as from September - November I will be going away to work on a mental health project out in the beautiful country, Sri Lanka with SLV! SLV is a voluntary organisation which runs projects to help the local community.

I'm so excited to learn more about Psychology in another country and global mental health and be able to work alongside professionals! This is such an amazing way to fully immerse myself in the culture as I'll be living with a Sri Lankan family and will be spending time with a variety of different people every week.

On my placement I'll be working with individuals who suffer with mental health issues. I’ll be running activities for patients and using sensory, music and creative therapies to engage with patients on a variety of wards in multiple institutions. I’ll be attending workshops run by Samutthana, the King’s College London resource centre for trauma, displacement and mental health. The main aim of Samutthana is to train and support organisations and individuals to respond to the psychosocial needs of trauma sufferers i.e. tsunami survivors and those who have experienced civil-conflict in Sri Lanka.

In addition to these projects I’ll also be working with individuals with special needs and teaching English to children and to young people!

This is such an awesome opportunity to use my Psychology degree abroad to help and work along with so many different and amazing people. Any donation would be amazing, small or large - thank you!!
  • Sri Lanka