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Tyler Reynolds Start Date: Sep 14, 2016 - End Date: Dec 2, 2016
  • Intern Abroad
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Shanghai, China

My Travel Story

by: Tyler Reynolds Start Date: Sep 14, 2016 - End Date: Dec 2, 2016
  • Intern Abroad
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Study/Degree Abroad
Hello World!

My name is Tyler Reynolds and I need funding for my trip so I can make a difference in this world! I currently got accepted into CRCC Asia, which is an internship in China that helps students worldwide with internships in Finance and Accounting, Green Technology, and Engineering etc.. Being able to accept this internship and go overseas will be the biggest blessing in my life. I am currently going into the internship of finance at CRCC and this would impact my career path in a plethora of ways.
 This would broaden my love for banking and accounting and get me a head start in the career path that I want. I would learn so much from the Chinese economy and how they work and compare that with America's economy to help make this world a better place. From a very young age, overcoming challenges and misfortunes has always been one of my strengths. Despite all of the violence I saw as a child, Oakland has taught me a plethora of things, for example: how to endure hard times and stay strong; to always capitalize on an opportunity when it presents itself; to stay thankful for everything I have no matter what; and to always make do with what I have.

   I challenged and tested myself each and every day to become a better person than the day before. I have conquered many statistics and stereotypes people have about individuals from Oakland: I am not a victim of gang violence; I have never been in a gang; and I graduated from high school. The challenges I have encountered in my first 18 years has made me a better person and molded me to become a leader in my community, this includes coaching the Fayetteville Flames women’s lacrosse team, the youth group lacrosse team, assistant coaching for the young adult group, and volunteering for five years at the DeFremery Park Recreation Center in Oakland. While volunteering at DeFremery, I served as a role model for children with less than ideal lives/circumstances, carrying the tradition on and volunteering in the local Fayetteville community by tutoring students and, as a lacrosse player, teaching kids in my community how to play the game (the mechanics and rules as well as sportsmanship).

   I believe I can make this world a better place with hard work, effort, and determinantion. I have continously made a difference in my community and I want to continue to be a leader for everyone. This would mean a lot for me if I got this chance to go abroad and intern and learn from other economies. I believe I will be successful in this world. I am not afraid to fail, and because of that, I have the potential to succeed. Becoming a CRCC Asia intern in Finance will help me to realize my goals.

Thank you!
  • Shanghai, China