PLEASE help my 9 year old Super Model travel to NYC!!

Madison Smith Start Date: Jul 16, 2016 - End Date: Nov 12, 2016
  • New York, NY, Australia

My Travel Story

by: Madison Smith Start Date: Jul 16, 2016 - End Date: Nov 12, 2016

Please help my 9 year old daughter Madison Smith get to New York City to pursue her dreams. She is an aspiring fashion model and actress from Flint, MI desperately trying to get to New York to further her career. She has been signed with an agency who has secured some amazing appointments with well known recognized brands in the industry. Problem is...unfortunately we reside in Flint, MI, down to one income and its a daily struggle to make the scheduled appointments without financial assistance. We are trying to do our part as well, she runs Curly Girl Lemonade, sells used clothing and has started a fundraising raffle to support the cause. Trying to make a better life for my daughter and get out of Flint, MI. Anything is greatly appreciated. Thank you
  • New York, NY, Australia