College in Dallas, TX for Chiara!

Kari Longley Start Date: Mar 2, 2018 - End Date: Mar 1, 2019
  • Dallas, TX, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Kari Longley Start Date: Mar 2, 2018 - End Date: Mar 1, 2019
Hi!  My name is Chiara Algeri and I have been living in Arkansas since August of 2017 as a Senior high school exchange student.  I am from Northern Italy and living in America has been an absolute dream come true for me.  I'm a first generation college student in my family and have decided to come back to America to continue my education by pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Business and Leadership.  My American host family is amazing and we have decided to stick together when they move to Dallas, Texas this summer for a new job.  I will travel back to Italy at the end of May and receive my F1 student visa so that I can begin my college studies in August!  I am astounded at the vast opportunities available to me here in the USA - opportunities that don't exist for young adults in Italy.  Having a car?  A job while in college?  A career waiting for me when I graduate?  Companies who will encourage my personal and professional development?  The opportunity to adopt children as a working, single woman?  I don't know of anyone who has these things back home where I come from.  I have seen for myself that America honestly is the land of opportunity and I am ready to make a difference.  A difference in the trajectory of my life and a difference in the community where I live.  My story is deep and meaningful and full of hope.  It will make a best-seller one day, trust me :).  
  • Dallas, TX, United States of America