Bridging The Gap, Dominican Republic - Jhonelle Deans

Jhonelle Deans Start Date: Dec 24, 2016 - End Date: Dec 23, 2017
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Dominican Republic

My Travel Story

by: Jhonelle Deans Start Date: Dec 24, 2016 - End Date: Dec 23, 2017
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip
The Dominican Republic has one of the best healthcare systems in the Caribbean and has an all year round tropical climate; unfortunately, this means that there is a high incidence of mosquito-borne illnesses and a high rate or motor vehicle accidents causing a strain on trauma centers within the Dominican Republic.

During my second year of nursing, I hope to travel to the Dominican Republic to widen my knowledge of issues in Dominican Republic that are not prevalent in the UK. Traveling to a country where some people can’t afford healthcare gives me the chance to give back and help those who are less fortunate. By assisting mentors I hope to give the best care and aid with demonstrating a good health service as an example to some islands in the Caribbean.

Volunteering to work in the Dominican Republic will not only help me but will help others within these valuable community services are necessary so more money can be spent on local improvements. This will in turn support families.

Going to the Caribbean I hope will also widen my knowledge about how different cultures approach healthcare in the UK and in the Caribbean. I believe that working with Gap medics will enhance my skills as a nurse in different ways that I have been taught here at University, as the way of life is simpler in the Dominican.

I chose the Dominican Republic because it is essentially a “home away from home.” Jamaica is my home country and learning about the incidents of diseases and illnesses will allow me to acknowledge how health care is within the Caribbean and appreciate the healthcare here in the UK more than I already do, therefore I would like to give back to countries that are less fortunate. In my free time, I will have the chance to volunteer in a hospital, immerse myself in the community, and explore the beauty of the island and the cultural.

I hope that you will assist me in my endeavours of fundraising to have this amazing opportunity with GapMedics

-Jhonelle Deans-
  • Dominican Republic