Trip to Britannia!!

Nezzarae Choate Start Date: Dec 21, 2017 - End Date: Dec 15, 2018
  • England, United Kingdom
  • Scotland, United Kingdom
  • Ireland, United Kingdom

My Travel Story

by: Nezzarae Choate Start Date: Dec 21, 2017 - End Date: Dec 15, 2018
This trip to Britannia will allow me to learn about other cultures and how people interact with things they are familiar with. Also, it would mean so much to me to be able to go on this trip, seeing how I'm limited to opportunities. Both my parents are in jail and my grandparents take care of me. I'm 17 and I'm hardworking because I can't slack off, knowing I don't have the luxury to afford it. It would be really cool to go out of the United States. You know, I also loves the idea of traveling out of the U.S and this will be the opportunity to do it. I can show it to my future family, to my parents, who might not have the ability to do this in the future. It's just a big deal, and I would be so ecstatic so be able to do this
  • England, United Kingdom
  • Scotland, United Kingdom
  • Ireland, United Kingdom