Kicking my box to the curb!

Felicia Bender Start Date: Nov 23, 2017 - End Date: May 22, 2018
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Paris, France

My Travel Story

by: Felicia Bender Start Date: Nov 23, 2017 - End Date: May 22, 2018
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
Hello everyone! My name is Felicia incase you do not know me. I recently graduated from Valencia in Kissimmee Florida and now I am studying to be a Social Worker at the University of Central Florida, GO KNIGHTS! Traveling has always caught my attention, and education has always been something I take pride in. I knew a lot about studying abroad throughout my college career already and I always said to myself “Yeah, that would be an awesome opportunity, too bad I could never afford it.” So, when I began the rest of my education pathway at UCF I decided early that there would be no more boundaries for me, and that’s when I knew I WILL go study abroad. I am not sure how I will accomplish it, but I will do everything I can to try. I took a great interest in this specific study abroad to the Netherlands. The subject matter also sparked my interest because I am so accustomed to studying the older population, I never learned much about sexuality let alone in another country. Knowing these factors excited me even further and I knew I had to try to get into this opportunity. It is very clear to me that the subject is not something I am used to, but I feel confident that stepping out of my comfort zone will only help me expand my knowledge and college experience! The purpose for me to study abroad isn't only for the education but to also expand my knowledge as a person and get out of my little tiny box I kept putting myself in throughout all my past educational experiences. I do not personally like to ask for money however, your investment is solely in my future and education and I would be forever grateful!
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Paris, France