Ireland...oh how I would love for my kids to meet you!

Nichole Galvan Start Date: Apr 5, 2018 - End Date: Apr 4, 2019

My Travel Story

by: Nichole Galvan Start Date: Apr 5, 2018 - End Date: Apr 4, 2019
My husband, Steven and I went to Ireland and fell in love...with Ireland, that is!  I can’t explain to energy we felt from the moment we landed in Dublin. See, Steven is part Irish and we’ve both always wanted to learn more about our heritage. Now that we have 2 children, we’d love even more to help them know where they came from and to experience such a magical and loving place like Ireland.  Steven and I want to give our children the opportunity to travel and learn and grow into well diversed, loving individuals.  When Steven and I went to Ireland, honestly, we couldn’t afford it, but we did it anyway. It was a trip of a life time, but we definitely had to budget and miss out on some of the adventures we’d have loved to do while in Ireland. With our kids, we don’t want to do that. We want them to enjoy this trip and have these memories to cherish for the rest of their lives because I remember traveling, never out of the country, with my family at a young age. And I still hold on to those memories.  Please help my husband and I make this trip to Ireland for our kids to best possible! Please don’t hesitate to ask equations, if you have any.