Julia's dream

Carina und Vanessa Start Date: Aug 10, 2016 - End Date: Dec 9, 2016

My Travel Story

by: Carina und Vanessa Start Date: Aug 10, 2016 - End Date: Dec 9, 2016
This is Julia.

…has divorced parents.
…has a mother who is a drug addict.
…saw her mother been beaten up several times.
…had a friend who committed suicide.
…had no home at the age of eight and had to live in a tent.
…had to hide from drug dealers as a child.
…had to be both sister and mother for her six siblings.
Nevertheless, despite all that, she…
…managed to get her A levels.
…studied pedagogy and English.
…does a lot of volunteer work for an organisation that works with children and teenagers.
…does everything for her friends and family.
…is always smiling and tries to see the positive side of everything.
…tries to help wherever she can.

She deserves something good to be done for her!

Her biggest wish is to go to Australia and travel around with her friends for several weeks.

Because she is a very good friend to us, we want that dream to come true – with your help!
So please fund our trip and make Julia's birthday present the best she ever had.