Get Graeme To Tune Up 2018!

Graeme Seabrook Start Date: Dec 4, 2017 - End Date: Feb 1, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Professional Development
  • Asheville, NC, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Graeme Seabrook Start Date: Dec 4, 2017 - End Date: Feb 1, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Professional Development
I am so close. SO CLOSE. No, I don't mean so close to hitting my goal with this fundraiser (although I certainly hope that by the time you read this, I will be). I mean that I am so close to creating my dream - a business that helps me to support my family by supporting moms. 

20% of small businesses fail in the first year. By year five, that number has risen to 50%. I refuse to join those numbers. The breakthrough moment for my coaching business is right in front of me - but it's just out of reach. I'm asking you to help me get there. 

This March I have the chance to go on a business retreat with other women creatives, coaches, and small business owners to work on our one big idea. At Tune Up 2018 we'll spend time in community together and in sessions with a list of mentors that could not really get any better. These are people I've wanted to work with on my business and now I have a chance to meet and work with them all at once! What is a better Christmas present than that? 

This mentorship, this help, this time to focus on my business - it will be amazing. But I need your help to get there. If you have the means to help, I'd appreciate it.
  • Asheville, NC, United States of America