Refugee Health in Germany

Nic Lasso Armijo Start Date: Feb 22, 2018 - End Date: Aug 1, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Heidelberg, Germany

My Travel Story

by: Nic Lasso Armijo Start Date: Feb 22, 2018 - End Date: Aug 1, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
When removing oneself from a culture grown to know as norm, different and very important realizations happen. People find that there are many ways of interacting and loving people that are outside of what one's native culture might offer, and this makes it easy to understand reasoning behind ways of life through a third person perspective lens.

My name is Pablo Nic Lasso, I was born in Cd. Juarez Mexico, I want to study abroad in Heidelberg Germany during the Academic year of 2018-2019. I am currently working for a bachelor's degree in Population Health, I am interested in becoming a physician, however, I plan on working in rural/tropical communities aiding in health development. I am in my sophomore year at the University of New Mexico studying Population Health. I work under a doctor in the department performing research exploring on non-invasive preventive community projects in Native American populations here in New Mexico.

Germany stands within the leading industrialized countries with most hosted refugees, and I have discussed with some of my professors from the college of population health about how I can form part of initiatives and projects that deal with migrant physical and mental health in refugees, and hold interviews discovering how migration takes a toll on health determinants and outcomes. My professors have been very willing to help me find faculty in the University of Heidelberg and I have become very excited to see how different methods change in other parts of the world, especially regarding cultural sensitivity.

Ultimately, I have a desire to understand how humans live in other parts of the world, what kind of art they make, what food they eat, what they talk and laugh about, so that I can absorb all of this to grow into a person with diverse appreciations.

For any questions please email:

  • Heidelberg, Germany