connecting with the world! global storyteller

Alaa Manasrah Start Date: Jul 28, 2017 - End Date: Nov 24, 2017

My Travel Story

by: Alaa Manasrah Start Date: Jul 28, 2017 - End Date: Nov 24, 2017
My Name is Alaa , I am Palestinian , born in Jordan , my grandfather is spanish and I am also colombian . I belive that the world is my home and I going to meet people from all over the world .
I speak Arabic , English and Spanish. earned masters degree in business adminstration and looking forward to persue a Phd in business abroad in the next three years. I am working in human resources field for 5 years now, it's more a passion than a job , I can't help it I am people kind of person :P !
I always thought that life is too short to be lived in one place, So I dream of become a stroyteller! everyone of us has stroy to tell and in a world full of hate and troublsome hear each other stories can make a change and replace all negativity with positive vibes !
I'll be documenting my experienceه in blog to share these lives stories with the world , so we might understand that we are very similar , having beliefs ,speaking other languages , looking different does not make us different.
If I am given this opportunity one day I might be telling your story for the whole world.