Travelling to Tanzania to volunteer in a school!

Mia Riddle Start Date: Mar 30, 2023 - End Date: Jul 29, 2023
  • Tanzania

My Travel Story

by: Mia Riddle Start Date: Mar 30, 2023 - End Date: Jul 29, 2023

I am travelling to Arusha,Tanzania in August to voulunter in schools on a childcare program with IVHQ, an international voulunterring organisation.

With just over 4 months to go, I am already starting to prepare for what will be an incredible experience. I hope to make an impact on the local community during the time I am there by educating and supporting the young children with their learning and needs. 

I am excited to be apart of their community for the time I am there and learn more about the various different cultures in Tanzania. I hope to learn from the people and take away many memories, lessons, and experiences that will last me a lifetime. 

When I arrive I will be purchasing stationary, paper, first aid kits and equipment for the children to use. By doing this when I arrive in Arusha, I will be helping their economy and already making a difference. Although my time their will not 'change the world' I hope to make some sort of impact on the children within my program. 

All funds raised will be used to go towards the fees that are paid directly to the local Tanzanian company 'THE', who will be providing me and the other volunteers with shared accommodation and food. Any remaining funds will be spent on materials as listed above, for the local children. 

''One child, one teacher, one book, one pen...Can change the world''

  • Tanzania