SLV Mental Health Placement!

Alice Cunningham Start Date: Aug 27, 2016 - End Date: Feb 26, 2017
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Alice Cunningham Start Date: Aug 27, 2016 - End Date: Feb 26, 2017

Hello! Thank you for visiting my page!
In October 2017, shortly after completing my Masters degree in Health Psychology I will be travelling to Sri Lanka to volunteer with SLV!                      This will greatly benefit my education and career because, from a young age I have always been interested in mental health and to experience it in a different culture will be amazing.
I am extremely passionate about this mental health placement because it is a career I wish to persue; my goal is to ultimately become a clinical psycholgist and I believe this trip will benefit me greatly.  When I was younger, I battled with mental health issues - depression and anorexia nervosa - so this placement is extremely meaningful to me on a personal level.  I would love to give something back and help those in need.  And I believe that since the placement is in Sri Lanka the different culture will benefit me in ways I can not even describe.

Thank you for reading :)

  • Sri Lanka