Documenting Japan

Shyanne Summer Start Date: Jun 15, 2017 - End Date: Mar 14, 2018
  • Tokyo, Japan

My Travel Story

by: Shyanne Summer Start Date: Jun 15, 2017 - End Date: Mar 14, 2018
I have always wanted to live in Tokyo and I plan on moving there for a month in April 2018. I love Japanese culture and hope to document and start a blog on different cultures and the way they live. I also hope to give other people wanting to travel tips on how to do it. This will benefit me and the people around me making traveling fun and educational for everyone. In the future I plan making and organized trips with my friends and people in my community. I believe that everyone deserves to travel and that you can do it on a budget. I will also just be turning nineteen kicking off my twenties with a positive attitude and an amazing experence!
  • Tokyo, Japan


  • Just Updated My Account!

    Just updated my account! You can finally donate if you would like to support me on my journey, I am currently looking for flights and planning my trip out. Really looking forward to this opportunity!