Danielle Swatzie

About Me

A rising junior at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, majoring in dance, working on her Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree. I am a member of (AMMO) Artists Making Movement Hip Hop Organization. In addition, I am also a member of the (NSCS) National Society of Collegiate Scholars and participated in the Emerging Leaders Program. I have been focusing my interest in choreography. I submitted my first choreographed work called Together Underneath to the High School Dance Festival in Norfolk, Virginia and won the Best Student Choreography award. I have also choreographed two works during my first year attending The University of the Arts called Corrupted,Corruption, and Dual Perspectives. Additional works such as a solo for a junior member of the Dance Makers of Atlanta company called “Not About Angels” and a duet on fellow classmates for scholarship opportunities. I have also taught classes at (DSA) DeKalb School of the Arts at their annual Fringe Festival.