Eva Johanna Vipavc

About Me

I started studying economics because that is what one is supposed to do after finishing high school. First semester was over when I've decided that I'm done doing what everybody else is expecting me to do and stop ignoring my urge to go traveling. Alone. First I went to Mallorca-working as au pair. I love Mallorca and the people here but I know this is not what my heart is calling for, it is not what I need. I need to step out of my comfort zone. My heart is calling for wilderness, nature, life away from this illusion called modern world. It needs realness and to feel the pure connection with the nature. I decided to plan a 3 month trip to Costa Rica with a backpack and GoPro, to volunteer in different volunteering centres and parts of Costa Rica. I'm taking the GoPro to film my experience and tell the story of going to a country you don't know but finding yourself again. After Costa Rica I'm going to walk Camino. I decided to switch off social media for the time of the travel-except Instagram (I will make a special account so people can follow my experience).