Eva Mkhatswa

About Me

I’m Eva mkhatshwa I’m 19 soon to be 20 I’m from South Africa, a truly beautiful country with so many amazing and interesting cultures. Just walking in town you can hear so many different languages, it’s crazy. I’m the youngest of three, the age difference is crazy my sister Martha is 38(18 years) and Brother George is 36(16 years). I have a nephew Mfundo a younger than me, he went to prom with my friend. I also have one other nephew Lunglie his 12, his so shy but BRILLIANT at sports and a niece Sikhle she’s 9, never ever a dull moment with her. My sister has two kids Oncia 14 my goodness she talks a lot and Alice she’s 8 and super smart and watches movies over and over and over again #frozen. I also have two interesting parents Miriam and Phillip. My parents are honestly one of a kind, my friends love my mom and my dad doesn’t really know the difference between my friends. I spend a lot of time with my family mostly with my nieces and nephews. I read a lot, I think a little too much. I LOVE John Green, his work his amazing and well researched I even watch his crash course videos on YouTube. I came across his work when I read a quote from Looking for Alaska and I looked it up read it loved it and then came Will Grayson, Will Grayson, Paper Towns, The Fault in our Stars and An Abundance of Kathrine’s( I was like wait what. Damn Johns smart). I’m also a fan of George Orwell’s, loved his book 1984. It’s such an interesting book, the way it’s written, the story line it feels so realistic. I also read and watch news (I blame it on my dad), psychology articles and history. I also love TED talks, I watch hours and hours of them. I love learning about cultures and languages. It tells you a lot about the people and their history My dream is to travel, learn about cultures, learn new languages and try new exotic food.