Felicia Bender

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About Me

My name is Felicia Bender I am 23 years old studying social work at the University of Central Florida. I was born and raised in Florida and have traveled as far as the east coast of Florida. My parents and little brother are my best friends and I have been with my boyfriend Matt for four years. My grandparents are my biggest influences in my life, and the most important to me. I am most passionate about helping our elderly and reshaping the housing industry that they are in. Such as, nursing homes, assisted livings, etc. I currently have worked within this industry, (assisted livings) for seven years where I have gained most of my knowledge. My biggest dreams in life are to graduate with a Masters degree in either social work policy, or gerontology. I hope someday to move to Tennessee with my boyfriend Matt and our two furr babies after I complete my bachelors degree in Florida! My second biggest passion is for animals and think often about opening my own rescue one day. I am learning every day about this glorious world, and hope to learn more every day as I get older.