Gina Amato

Social Network

About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Gina Amato and I am a passionated Photographer and Storyteller. My first trip to Cuba in 2013, increased my passion of peoples stories and cultures, being with locals and connecting people. I went to New York and photographed people i've met on the streets and I've collected amazing stories on the way. About two years ago, I booked my one way ticket to Southeastasia and my passion to explore cultures and local lifestyles grew. I've met people during my journey, who has been complained about - that they wish they could learn from locals and my idea was born. I had the idea, to create a blog where locals can represent theirselves, artists from around the country and uses this platform as a showcase for local arts and stories - to help people inspire and connecting together. The platform will include packages were people can be able to connect with locals and book packages in groups,explore their culture, sleep in homestays, doing art together and share experiences. Unfortunately I've broken my leg a couple of month ago when a Bus came across the road whilst I was driving in Thailand. My Insurance didn't paid my 3 weeks hospital of 12.000 $. They operated me and I had to stay in the local hospital with 13 screws in my leg. Since than I am struggling everyday 24/7 working on the projects, doing different jobs online and try to get as many jobs as possible to push me up again and finally able to organise and build up this platform with an amazing community. I will share my blog with you with all the stories and insides and get you inspired on your next journey, of not being afraid talking to strangers and that the people you meet on your journey are the ones who change your life. With your help, we can create this community together, because the Teamwork makes the dreamwork. We will get inspired by each other, helping people to showcase their culture,arts and lifestyle and being able to connect everyone around the world.