Godia Imbuka

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About Me

Godia is an environmental blogger with a passion for writing. She holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Education from Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. She has written for Earthlanka, a Sri Lankan based media website for three years now on issues related to climate change, pollution, and environment. Earthlanka's website has been up since its inception in 2009 and is duly registered under the web media act by the ministry of media and information in Sri Lanka. Godia is also a youth environmental activist. She has done extensive work in environmental education, environmental journalism and advocacy, research, exhibition and events. She has volunteered with Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture (MESHA) and WildlifeDirect and is very passionate about environmental conservation and wildlife protection. She has gotten accreditation with UNFCCC as online media to attend COP23 in Bonn Germany and requests that you help her fund her travel to this important event.