Jade Matthews

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About Me

I am a big animal lover, whether the animal is big or small, a reptile or a warm blooded animal, a cat or even a fish in the ocean. I have made a very moving discovery, while i was scrolling through facebook, warm in my bed one morning. I read about the "orphaned baby rhino" project in Africa, and as soon as I heard about the baby rhinos and the devastating toll that poachers have on their numbers in the wild over in Africa, my instinct kicked in and I instantly wanted to help in anyway I can - physically help and do something that WILL make a difference! I am deeply moved and would absolutely LOVE the experience to go over there, to africa and provide support and physical help to these poor defenseless orphaned baby rhinos that have been traumatized by the traumatic experience of loosing their mothers due to the poaching industry, many have endured emotional scars and also bear physical scars as well. To make a difference, we have to be willing to take the plunge to help!! I'm ready... Are you?