Laura Sipes

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About Me

Hi! My name is Laura. Anyone that knows me can attest to my passion for travel. Despite having minimal experience actually being able to go abroad (or around the country), my goal is to see the world. Even as a young child I wanted to be a train conductor, pilot, or archaeologist. If there was something that would allow me to see the world I wanted it. Now at 24 years old nothing has changed except that my desire to travel has made it almost unbearable for me to remain in one place. I want to take part in all this world has to offer. I want to meet people on every continent, learn new languages, try different authentic cuisines, take part in festivals, and be completely immersed in various cultures. Unfortunately, I have allowed so many things like work, school and money to keep me from doing one of the things that I desire most. Now the time has come for me to take a leap of faith. This will be the year that I stop making excuses and letting those things completely hold me back. This will be the year that I begin my travel adventures. I invite to join me in this journey through donations and keeping up with my future travel blog.