Sailing Hyrule

Social Network

About Me

Hola! We're Franky and Leisa, just a couple of adventurers from Denver, CO. We've spent the past year preparing for our newest adventure: buying a sailboat and sailing around the Caribbean! We've sold (almost) all of our possessions and are making our way to Florida to find the perfect boat. We're excited to explore new lands, cultures, meet some incredible people and learn their stories. We'll be documenting our adventure with the hopes that our family, friends, and others will tune in to take part in our journey so that they too may experience these things without having to leave home. BUT, our biggest mission is to not only share our experiences, but inspire others to do the same. The world is an exciting place and out there exists infinite amounts of experiences to be had and we want you to get our of your comfort zone and go create those experiences for yourself.