Sarah Zimmerman

About Me

My name is Sarah Zimmerman and there is a trip to Europe the Hays International Travel club is going to in the summer of 2017 with EF Educational Tours and I am very excited about this opportunity! My travel experiences will undoubtedly change my perspectives and enhance my education as a whole. I am most looking forward to seeing the many sights that I have only had the opportunity to read about in textbooks. I am excited to see the many historical sites London, Paris, Mount Pilatus in Switzerland, and in many places in Italy and Greece. I am working to raise funds for this tour and will be helping to pay for a portion of the tour myself. As you know, I am still a student in a Hays, Kansas school I am the 5th child of 6 children in my family and raising funds of this magnitude for the tour is a challenge-which I embrace wholeheartedly but with which I could use a little assistance. Therefore, I am looking for donors, such as you, to help with a scholarship to cover a portion of my experience. The 20 day trip cost approximately $5,400 and then souvenirs and snacks cost about $1,500. I greatly appreciate your contribution to my once in a life time chance to see, in person, the places I would never be able to visit otherwise. Supporters like you are the reason that this dream to travel would be possible for me. I really appreciate your assistance and thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely, Sarah Zimmerman