Lydia Rimmer

About Me

Hello! My name is Lydia, I'm 21 and currently studying history at King's College London. As a history nerd, I absolutely love travelling and documenting every place I see on video with my boyfriend, Mike. We love to experience places off the beaten track, and truly appreciate places for their unique culture, past and lifestyles. I am currently fund raising for a visit to Guatemala in Central America to surprise my old room mate, Myriam. She is one of the best friends I've ever had and it has been extremely difficult not being able to see her for the past year. Neither of us has the money to visit the other, so I'm asking for a helping hand to go and see her! My ambition is to complete my degree and go on to teaching, but also travelling for the entirety of my life! I would love to teach the subject I love (history) but also the lifestyle of going and seeing the world, making everyone more diverse, happy and cultured! Lydia

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