Marie Cristabern

Social Network

About Me

I'm a registered nurse and a TEFL teacher. I have been an active community volunteer alongside my mother and sister for as long as I can significantly remember when I was still in the Philippines. These volunteer activities ranges from health missions where we gather donations of medical supplies and food and bring it to remote areas in the country or feeding and teaching missions. As of the moment I am currently in a small province in Thailand with my sister teaching English and will be going to Nepal on January next year also as a volunteer. Travel is an integral part of my life. I just know deep in my soul that I will regret it if I don't try to see the world, the people and the culture. Travel has also saved my life in more ways than one. It made me brave, it woke me up. It made me love myself, appreciate what I have, work for what I don't have yet and most of all it made me believe in posibilities. Posibilities that you can make dreams into reality. Please help me make this dreams I have into reality.

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