Melissa Saez

About Me

I am currently a student at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I am majoring in international business. This summer I will go on a trip to Italy that is required for me to graduate. This trip will open many doors for me in the future. I will graduate this summer after returning from Italy so this is going to be my last college experience as an undergrad. I love to travel and I look forward to learning about the culture in Europe. I will be taking courses such as International Business Management and International Business Economics. The program will also provide me with the opportunity to receive credits required to complete my Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration. While in Italy we will visit Florence, Sienna, Assisi, Orvieto, and Venice to engage with the locals and see historic monuments. Classes will be held in a classroom from 9am-1:00pm. I am very excited for this trip even though it will break my heart to leave my family behind specially my daughter. With the support I hope to receive from people it will help me to purchase the flight, books, study materials, health insurance, and food. Thank you all in advance for your help and support.