Montgomery Parker

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About Me

HI! My name is Montgomery Parker. I am a Sophomore in high school who loves adventure and fun! During the school year I am a member of my school's Marching Band, Spanish club, and Drama club. The fall is a very busy time for me because we have marching band practice everyday after school until 5:30 . On Friday's we have football games and Saturday's are when we have competitions. Although, once the marching season is over I plan to get a job at a local pizza place to help support my cause. In the winter and spring I am busy with Drama club as I am very involved. I often find my self on stage in the chorus as well as backstage helping with props and costumes. The spring is the most stressful time of the year because my personal goal is to end the year with straight A's or -A's. During the summer I like to stay busy as well. The last two summers I have traveled with a program called CISV. It is a program dedicated to peace through building global friendships. The summer of 2016 I went to Grenoble, France and the summer of 2017 I went to San Francisco, California. My family is very loving and supportive and I am the oldest of 3 children. My parents work very hard to support me in all of my crazy adventures and I don't want to burden them with this very expensive trip. Once I graduate high school I plan to attend collage and get a degree in business. I have not decided where I want to attend or if I want to minor in something but I have a plan on what I want to do with my degree. After collage my current plan for life is intern and maybe work in a couple different resorts and hotels. My major plan is to open up my own resort. Anyways that's a little bit about me! If you have any questions about my cause feel free to email me at