Peter Zaic-Damitio Emily Pearson

About Me

Hello kind people! We (Peter & Emily) are seeking to raise funds to travel to rural areas in this and other countries to help with rebuilding communities affected by natural disasters, learning about permaculture and other organic farming techniques to help small villages become more self-sustainable, teaching yoga, utilizing our language skills to assist in translation and teaching of Spanish, French and English and any other opportunity for adventure that allows us to give back. In pursuing this goal, Emily and I have committed ourselves to join WWOOF (World Wide Organization of Organic Farming) in order to be involved in the beginning stages of sustainable and eco-friendly farming. In this journey we will be staying and working with organic farms to learn where our food comes from, how to grow our own and the inter-workings of running a small sustainable farm. The funds we raise go directly towards our travel costs, the remaining will be used for community oriented projects. We are in the process of creating a blog online through which you can follow us and see the results of your kind donations. We are an enthusiastic and hardworking couple passionate about and dedicated to finding the ideal balance between Man-made design (both Form & Function) and Mother Nature. Our dream and vision is to one day own our own self-sustaining farm and to share the knowledge we’ve learned along our journeys with others. Emily has a Master’s degree from Florida State in Behavior Analysis and has spent her time working with children and persons with Autism and other disabilities, teaching yoga and using the principles of Ayurveda and nutrition to teach healthful cooking. She also has spent time building and maintaining community gardens in the various places she’s lived. Peter is a University of Colorado - Boulder graduate and U.S Army veteran with an extensive background in landscaping. The exposure to many different cultures have aspired him to explore and learn more about sustainable farming and living with respect to nature. Leaving what you are familiar with and getting rid of most material possessions can be a little unnerving to some but we are looking forward to the freedom to travel, get to know, live and work with people from other cultures and walks of life. Our travels begin in August when we head to Hawaii. While there we will be blogging and posting pictures of all of our adventures! We want to share our experiences to encourage and empower others to do the same or at least consider small changes they can incorporate into their lives. We look forward to sharing our stories with you!! Cheers, Peter and Emily