Sven Peterson

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About Me

Hi, I'm Sven, I am a 20-year-old English university student, I have been accepted on a once in the life time opportunity to intern across the world helping me push my passion and hopefully future career forward. I am digital TV & Film student who is in love with the course and just about everything about it. The internship I have been accepted to is based in Sydney Australia, working within the media industry. Unfortunately, on top university and bills I am unable to afford this once opportunity and this why I am turning to the kind hand of others. I am a hard working student and determined succeed, with your help I might have the chance to make my dream become a reality. A little about me, I am obsessed with Film's and have to watch at least one a night, I originally wanted to be an actor and studied that for a while until I decided to learn what happens behind the camera. After I discovered the editing process I simply fell in love the art of it. The only item on my bucket list is to be hired as an editor on a big screen movie. I am not asking for much, just any change you could spare, if not I thank you for your time.