Vylasini Seetharaman

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About Me

I'm Vylasini Seetharaman, Friends and family call me 'Vini'. At times even "Winnie the Pooh" because of my gravitation to honey.... :) I am a Singapore born Indian . I'm friendly, talkative, and enjoy meeting new people. I'm an open minded person, easy going, independent. Family and friends make me human and grounded and fuel my endurance for any life obstacle.... It's always funny in a way when my friends call me a walking street directory, but i cant help it, I rarely get lost... Though i try and get lost every once in a while just so i can explore and learn about things in my surroundings... Am always curious to know more whether its about the place i am in or the culture and the people... That's pretty much how travelling became a huge part of who i am... I've even had my friends say that i am never in one place for too long... Hey you have one life so what better way to live it then by traveling and sharing it with others whom you meet along the way... You never know what experiences are waiting along the way... I love travelling of course!!! Until recently i have always traveled with one other person, just a little hesitant to take that step towards solo travel until now. I always plan where i am traveling to but once at my destination, i just go with the wind because my plans keeping changing as i meet locals! This makes each travel interesting as i never know what's next and makes me open to trying new things... As a nature lover, I really love surrounding myself with it... This can also be seen in my photography... I have always had this feeling to share with others, about things and people and place i see, what better way then photography.. Am not a pro but i let my pictures tell the stories a place has to share... I've always known how i wanted my life to be. Be it my career or the need for travel or life in general... All i know is that i am very fortunate to be in the family that i am and blessed with the opportunities i have had... Exactly what drew me to make a difference in the lives of children and their mothers who live below the poverty line... I do what i can whether in person or remotely so that one day these kids and their families can have a better life... That smile on their faces is the biggest satisfaction one can get... :) As for what's close to me, I love travelling and photography... I expand this into my paintings and dance.. I'm a coffee lover. Books are my favorite stuffs and I could spend all my time with them! My best travel companions... :) For living, I works as a global video content specialist. Creativity has been been part of both my passion and career for the last 13 years... And i love what i do... It also allows me to visualize and to let people visualize how the world is through my work. More pics on Instagram : wandering_singaporean